Research Articles
Candrian, C., & Scherer, A. (2022). Rise of the machines: Delegating decisions to autonomous AI, in: Computers in Human Behavior, 107308.
Candrian, C., Scherer, A. & Algesheimer, R. (2020): The Effect of AI on Selective Belief Updating, in NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 48, eds. Cotte, J. and Wood, S., Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research.
Mader, C., Cas, J. & Scherer, A. (2020): Verantwortungsvoll mit künstlicher Intelligenz umgehen, in: die Volkswirtschaft, 8-9, 53-55.
Rosenbaum, M., Friman, M., Kelleher, C., Kristensson, P. & Scherer, A. (2017): Re-Placing Place in Marketing: From Utilitarian Exchange to Enhanced Well-Being, in: Journal of Business Research, 79, 281-289, DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres. 2017.01.009 (IF: 3.354/ 2016).
Baumeister, C., Scherer, A., & v. Wangenheim, F. (2015): Branding Access Offers: The Importance of Product Brands, Ownership Status, and Spillover Effects to Parent Brands, in: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 43(5), 574-588. DOI: 10.1007/s11747-015-0440-y (IF= 5.888/ 2016).
Scherer, A., Wünderlich, N., & v. Wangenheim, F. (2015): The Value of Self-Service: Long-Term Effects of Technology-Based Self-Service Usage on Customer Retention. MIS Quarterly, 39(1), 177- 200. (IF=7.268/ 2016).
Scherer, A. & v. Wangenheim, F. (2014): Service With a Smile Or Screen? How Replacing Personnel With Machines Affects Customers’ Satisfaction With a Service, in NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 42, eds. Cotte, J. and Wood, S., Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, 662-663.
Book & Book Chapters
Christen M., Mader C., as J., Abou-Chadi T., Bernstein A., Braun Binder N., Dell’Aglio D., Fábián L., George D., Gohdes A., Hilty L., Kneer M., Krieger-Lamina J., Licht H., Scherer A., Som C., Sutter P., Thouvenin F. (2020). Wenn Algorithmen für uns entscheiden: Chancen und Risiken dn künstlichen Intelligenz In . A-SWISS Publikationsreihe (Hrsg.): TA 72/2020. Zürich: vdf
Scherer, A. (2013): Self-Service Technology – Friend or Foe? The Impact of Technology-Based Self- Services on Customer Satisfaction and Retention. Doctoral Dissertation, Technische Universität München.
Ingwald, J., Wiedemann, K., Holzmüller, H. H., Holtbrügge, D., Scherer, A., & v. Wangenheim, F. (2009): Das 3K Projekt - Empirische Analysen der Konfiguration, Koordination und Kundenintegration von internationalen Dienstleistungsunternehmen: Darstellung des Forschungsplans und erster Forschungsergebnisse, in: Moser, R. (Hrsg.): Internationale Unternehmensführung - Entscheidungsfelder und politische Aspekte, Wiesbaden.
Scherer, A., Zimmer, M., & v. Wangenheim, F. (2009). Kundenintegration bei internationalen Dienstleistungen. Theoretische Einordnung, Motive und Herausforderungen. In D. Holtbrügge, H. H. Holzmüller & F. v. Wangenheim (Eds.), Management internationaler Dienstleistungen mit 3K (pp. 57- 78), Wiesbaden: Gabler.
Zimmer, M., Scherer, A., & v. Wangenheim, F. (2009): Kundenintegration und Konfiguration in der Marktforschungsbranche. Data-Information-Knowledge. In D. Holtbrügge, H. H. Holzmüller & F. v. Wangenheim (Eds.): Management internationaler Dienstleistungen mit 3K (pp. 233- 253), Wiesbaden: Gabler.
Academic Conferences
*Arnet, S. Scherer, A., v. Wangenheim, F. (2022, June). It’s not what you say, it’s the way you say it! Conversational Style Matching for Successful Customer-Agent Interactions. Presented at the 2022 Frontiers in Service Conference, Boston.
*Bublitz, A., Scherer (2022, May). The Overconfidence Bias on Social Media: How Non-diagnostic Cues for Knowledge Trigger a Miscalibration of News Knowledge. Presented at the 2022 European Marketing Academy EMAC Conference, Budapest.
*Wenzel, C., Scherer (2022, May). Sharing Data for Social Good: The Role of Construal Level and Communication Framing. Presented at the 2022 European Marketing Academy EMAC Conference, Budapest.
Candrian C., *Scherer, A., Algesheimer R. (2020, Oct). The Effect of AI on Selective Belief Updating. Presented at the Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference (online only).
Scherer, A., Fischer, P., Schmitt, B. (2020, May). Wow, that’s great! The effect of phatic cues in chatbot conversations. Presented at the 2020 European Marketing Academy EMAC Conference (cancelled).
Arnet, S. Scherer, A., v. Wangenheim, F. (2020, May). That's Music to a Customer's Ears! Conversational Style Matching for Successful Customer-Agent Interactions. Presented at the 2020 European Marketing Academy EMAC Conference (cancelled).
Arnet, S. Scherer, A., v. Wangenheim, F. (2020, June). It’s not what you say, it’s the way you say it! Conversational Style Matching for Successful Customer-Agent Interactions. Presented at the 2020 Frontiers in Service Conference (cancelled).
*Bublitz, A., Scherer, A., Algesheimer R. (2019, Oct.). News Consumption on Social Media: Uninformed and Unaware? Presented at the 2019 American Psychological Association APA Technology, Mind and Society Conference, Washington DC, USA.
*Arnet, S. Scherer, A., v. Wangenheim, F. (2019, May). It’s not what you say, it’s the way you say it! If so, can one compute the optimal conversational style? Presented at the 2019 European Marketing Academy EMAC Conference Doctoral Colloquium, Hamburg, Germany.
*Bublitz, A., Scherer, A., Algesheimer R. (2019, May). News Consumption on Social Media: When do we actually read the news that we like? Presented at the 2019 European Marketing Academy EMAC Conference, Hamburg, Germany.
*Bublitz, A., Scherer, A., Algesheimer R. (2019, May). News Consumption on Social Media: When do we actually read the news that we like? Presented at the 2019 European Marketing Academy EMAC Conference Doctoral Colloquium, Hamburg, Germany.
*Candrian C., Scherer, A., Algesheimer R. (2019, May). Belief Updating Bias in Interactions with Artificial Agents. Presented at the 2019 European Marketing Academy EMAC Conference Doctoral Colloquium, Hamburg, Germany.
*Bublitz, A., Scherer, A., Algesheimer R. (2019, February). News Consumption on Social Media: When do we actually read the news that we like? Presented at the 2019 Society for Personality and Social Psychology SPSP Convention, Portland, US.
*Bublitz, A., Scherer, A., Algesheimer R. (2018, May). News Consumption on Social Media: When do we actually read the news that we like? Presented at the 2019 European Marketing Academy EMAC Conference Doctoral Colloquium, Glasgow, UK.
*Rosenbaum, M., Kelleher, C., Friman, M., Kristensson, P. & Scherer, A. (2017, June): Re-Placing Place in Marketing: A Formal Theory of Place. Presented at the QUIS15 Conference, Porto, Portugal.
Engström, J., Brannon, D. & *A. Scherer (2016, June). Customer and non-customer involvement in service development: a mixed method investigation. Presented at the Frontiers in Service Conference, Bergen, Norway.
*Scherer, A. & F. Wangenheim (2016, May). High-tech vs. High-touch: How customers respond differently to man and machine encounters. Presented at the European Marketing Academy EMAC Conference, Oslo, Norway.
*Arnold, A. & *A. Scherer (2016, May). The effect of strong vs. weak ties in online word-of-mouth: How closeness to the service provider affects customers’ online reviews. Presented at the European Marketing Academy EMAC Conference, Oslo, Norway.
*Scherer, A. & F. Wangenheim (2016, February). Man vs. Machine – How the Service Channel Affects Customers' Responses to Service Encounters. Presented at the American Marketing Association Marketing Educators’ Conference, Las Vegas, NV, USA.
*Scherer, A. & * N. Brüggemann (2015, July). The impact of self-threat on customers' responses to technology-based self-service vs. personal-assisted service encounters. Presented at the Frontiers in Service Conference, San Jose, USA.
*Scherer, A. & v. Wangenheim, F. (2014, October). Service with a Smile or Screen? How Replacing Personnel with Machines Affects Customers' Satisfaction with a Service. Presented at the Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, Baltimore, USA.
*Scherer, A. & v. Wangenheim, F. (2014, June). Who is to Blame? Customer Satisfaction with Technology-Based Self-Services. Presented at the Frontiers in Service Conference, Miami, FL, USA.
*Scherer, A., Wünderlich, N., & v. Wangenheim, F. (2012, June). Understanding the Impact of Technology-Based Self-Services on Customer Relationships. Presented at the Frontiers in Service Conference, Maryland.
*Scherer, A., Wünderlich, N., & v. Wangenheim, F. (2011, February). Keep it Personal! - New Service Developments and their Impact on Customer Relationships. Presented at the American Marketing Association Educator's Conference, Austin, USA.
*Wünderlich, N. & *Scherer, A. (2010, August). Let the Right One In - Spill-Over Effects of New Members in Strategic Service Alliances. Presented at the ISBM Academic Conference, Boston, USA.
v. Wangenheim, F., *Scherer, A., & Wünderlich, N. V. (2010, June). Do Self-Services Really Pay Off? A Longitudinal Analysis of Consequences of Self-Service Usage on Customer Relationships. Presented at the Frontiers in Service Conference, Karlstad, Sweden.
*Hepperle, C., Langer, S., Scherer, A., Schwetz, P., & Lindemann, U. (2010, May). Consideration of factors influencing the time of launching new products. Presented at the 11th International Design Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
*Scherer, A. (2010, May). Do Self-Services really pay off? An Examination of Behavioral Consequences of Self-Service Usage Compared to Personal Service Usage. Presented at the European Marketing Association Doctoral Colloquium, Copenhagen, Denmark.
*Scherer, A., *Wünderlich, N. V., Fähling, J., v. Wangenheim, F., Leimeister, M., & Krcmar H. (2010, June). Listening to Customers for Solution Innovations: The Case of the Printing Industry. Presented at the Frontiers in Service Pre-Conference on Solution Innovations, Karlstad, Sweden.
Talks & Participations
9/9/22: Alexa oder Alexis? Erkenntnisse aus der Forschung zum Marketing der Zukunft. Presentation at the 72. internationale Handelstagung, Gottlieb Duttweiler Institut.
14/06/2022: Reactance to Human versus Artificial Intelligence - When Information from Human and Artificial Agents Leads to Different Reactions, Presentation at the Center for Humans and Machines, Max Planck Institute for Human Development.
26-27/11/2020: Positive or Negative Advice: In AI we Trust. DSI Conference on Trust in Autonomous Machines - Presentation.
26/02/2020: Die Roboter kommen – braucht es den Menschen überhaupt noch in der Arbeitswelt der Zukunft? Opening Panel, HSG Talents Conference - Panel discussant.
6/2019: S-GE / SATW Artificial Intelligence Focus Day, Swiss Global Enterprise – Workshop participation.
20-21/06/2019: Women in Big Data, Workshop as part of the NRP 75 “Big Data” – Workshop participation.
06/06/2019: HWZ Arena on Digital Ethics - Panel discussant.
22/05/2019: TA-Swiss Artificial Intelligence Workshop – Moderator for the area “AI in consumption”, UZH.
14/04/2019: You and AI – The Consumer Psychology of AI Marketing Technologies – Keynote presentation at the Industry Roundtable “AI in Marketing” UZH.
09/04/2019: News Consumption on Social Media – Uninformed but Unaware? – Presentation at the URPP Social Networks Evaluation, UZH.
28/03/2019: News Consumption on Social Media – Uninformed but Unaware? – Project presentation at the Research Seminar, Erasmus University, Rotterdam.
28/02/2019: Wie verändern Technologien das Kundenverhalten? – Keynote presentation, Shift2019.
26/09/2018: Man vs. Machine – Keynote presentation, REATCH – AI connecting the dots, 100 Ways of Thinking, Kunsthalle Zürich.
16/11/2017: Kundennähe durch Technologie? – Keynote presentation, Swiss IT Intelligence Communities (SITIC).
26/09/2017: Digitalisierung, Automatisierung und Dehumanisierung von Kundenkontaktpunkten – Keynote presentation, Swiss IT Intelligence Communities (SITIC).
2016/17/18/19: Psychology of Technology Conference – Invitation-only Participation, USC & UC Berkeley.
03/10/2016: Wie verändert die Digitalisierung die (Beziehung zum) Kunden? – Keynote presentation, Marketing Natives.
06/27/2016: The Value of Self-Service – Award presentation, CIO City 2016 Amsterdam, CIONET.
04/06/2016: Digitalisierung im Kundenzeitalter – Keynote presentation, AVAYA Engages Tour, Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute.
3-5/12/2015: beyond 2015: Customer Proximity Enabled by Technology – Event invitation, CIO Magazine.
11/20/2015: Moral licensing – Project presentation, University of Paderborn, Conference on Service & Technology Marketing.
11/09/2015: The Value of Self-Service – Paper presentation, University of Passau, Research Meeting.
10/28/2015: Digitalisierung im Kundenzeitalter – Keynote presentation, Swiss IT Intelligence Communities (SITIC), Roundtable.
08/27/2015: Social influences in online reviews – Project presentation, University of St. Gallen, Rorschach.
09/30/2014: Man vs. Machine – Project presentation, University of Zurich, Cross-Chair Seminar Series.
08/20/2014 Man vs. Machine – Project presentation, University of St. Gallen, Rorschach.